Samir Selmanovic kirjoittaa fundamentalismista:
Olemmeko vapaita ajattelijoita?
Ovatko ääriuskonnolliset uskonnollisia?
Olemme kaikki osa historian laajinta fundamentalistista ideologiaa...
Mikä on se voima, joka saa aikaan muutosta?
Millaisia fundamentalisteja nyt tarvitaan?
"There is a scarcity of religious or humanist extremists willing to dissent, not so much with talking, writing or protesting, but dissenting deeply, from within. In a fundamental sort of way."
"To take the risk of refusing to reduce anyone to “an enemy,” a risk to contribute instead of just take from the world, a risk to be inter-dependent instead of self-sufficient, the risk to forgive and absorb wrong instead of retaliate, takes people with courage and strong convictions."
Suosittelen. Lue ja ajattele. (Engl.)
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