

Muksu: Mikä on hevonen englanniksi?
Äiti: Horse.
Muksu: Onpa vaikea sana. Englannissa on paljon vaikeita sanoja!

4 kommenttia:

Ginger kirjoitti...

Heh. I would beg to differ, and to suggest quite the same about the Finnish language ... although "hevonen" is not a difficult word.

Ansku kirjoitti...

Difficult words everywhere... but we Finns have to resort to a Finnish dictionary quite seldom! English speaking people use an English dictionary all the time, don't they? ;-)

Ginger kirjoitti...

That is so true! Ironically, I was just off to look up the word "pity" in the online dictionary and stopped by here. I suppose you wouldn't have to do that. But the nuances of language are half the fun.

Ansku kirjoitti...

I think the richness of the English language lies largely in the vocabulary. There are so many different words to use (and to learn).

The richness of the Finnish language lies in the endless ways you can use the same word to express nuanced differences of meaning.