
Kahdeksan asiaa / Eight facts about me

Ginger pyysi osallistumaan meemiin, jossa kerrotaan kahdeksan summittaista asiaa itsestään. Koska se oli englanninkielinen pyyntö, vastaan myös englanniksi. Olkaa hyvä:

Ginger asked me to reveal 8 random facts about me. Here we go... bilingually.

1. Olen lukenut Marshallin-saarten perustuslain. Pitäisiköhän lukea myös Suomen perustuslaki? I have read the Constitution of the Marshall Islands. Maybe I should read the Finnish constitution as well?

2. Olen aloittanut hepreankielen opinnot alusta (ainakin) neljä kertaa. Enpä hämmästy vaikka viideskin kerta vielä koittaisi. I have begun (from the beginning) studying Hebrew at least four times. Who knows, I might do it again one day ...

3. Luokilla 2-6 koulumatkani oli omasta vapaasta tahdostani 100 km yhteen suuntaan. Olen ajanut sitä reittiä bussilla viisi kertaa maailman ympäri. From grades 2-6 my school was 100 km away from home because I chose to. I have travelled that route by bus five times around the world.

4. Opiskellessani Englannissa minulla oli singaporelainen kämppis. When I studied in England I had a roommate from Singapore.

5. Tykkään guavamehusta ja paikallinen kauppa ei enää myy sitä! I love guava juice. Why doesn't my local grocery store carry it anymore?

6. Olen imettänyt Mesopotamian historian luennolla Harvardissa. I have breastfed during Mesopotamian history class in Harvard.

7. Toiveistani huolimatta en saanut tomaattimehua hääpäivänäni. Päätin silti mennä naimisiin. Despite not getting any tomato juice my wedding day I still decided to get married.

8. Ensimmäinen autoni oli iki-ihana Volvo PV 544 60-luvulta. My first car was a wonderful 1962 Volvo PV 544.

4 kommenttia:

Ginger kirjoitti...

Wow! You have some quirky and interesting life experiences! Why on earth were you reading the constitution of the Marshall Islands?!

What's with the tomato juice on your wedding day? Is that some custom that should be observed? Or just a personal preference?

Loved this. :)

Ansku kirjoitti...

I was teaching "US Government and Comparative World Governments" to Marshallese high school seniors. I thought that the curriculum did not meet their most immediate needs, so next year I taught "Marshallese Government". There were no textbooks available so I taught them their constitution, which I was able to obtain.

Sorry, there is no weird Finnish customs involving tomato juice and weddings! ;-)

Before a wedding you should eat enough not to faint but not too much. Tomato juice fit the category.

I had only two special requests for my wedding day (I'm a quite reasonable person, you know): tomato juice for breakfast and a chance to drive our wedding car (a beautiful, old Jaguar). They forgot to bring the juice and the car keys were misplaced so I did not have a change to go for a nice little drive before dressing up.

My folks tried to make up the lack of tomato juice by having some in our wedding "picnic basket" for our trip away. But it was forgotten, again.

I had a beutiful and fun wedding day, though. ;-)

Ginger kirjoitti...

Wow. Thanks for the explanations. Way to go, tailoring the government class for the students!

Have you EVER yet gotten to drive a Jaguar? Now I know how to bribe you, if I ever need it. ;)

P.S. Tomato juice should be drunk BEFORE putting on the wedding dress. [from one who tends to spill]

Ansku kirjoitti...

No, I haven't driven a Jaguar yet so bribe me away! Do you have one waiting in your carage? ;-)

Actually, it was a blessing I did not get to drive the car that morning. On the way to the reception it broke down... At least it lasted the crucial parts, taking us to the church and from the churh.

I've heard Jaguars are bad cars, but they sure are beautiful, especially the old ones!